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Nov 2: Quiz Questions and Answers💡 (Total Achieved 15)

1) Arrange the following words in the correct order to form the phrase "Be careful of the cold" in Korean.

① 감기 조심해

② 감기해 조심

③ 감기 해조심

④ 조심 감기해

① 감기 조심해

💡 Explain

The correct order of the words to say "Be careful of the cold" in Korean is "감기 조심해".

This phrase is used to express concern for someone's health during colder weather.

✅ Related Post

Korea’s Cold Winter Weverse Chats: “Be Careful of Colds” to “Watch Out for Icy Roads” for Your Bias

🔆 Conversation

A: 요즘 날씨가 너무 추워졌어.

B: 맞아, 감기 조심해!


2) What is the correct translation of the phrase "Be careful of the flu" in Korean?

① 감기 조심해

② 독감 조심해

③ 눈길 조심해

④ 빙판길 조심해

② 독감 조심해

💡 Explain

The phrase "Be careful of the flu" translates to "독감 조심해" in Korean. '독감' means 'flu' and "조심해" means "be careful".

✅ Related Post

Korea’s Cold Winter Weverse Chats: “Be Careful of Colds” to “Watch Out for Icy Roads” for Your Bias

🔆 Conversation

A: 독감이 유행이야.

B: 맞아, 독감 조심해!


3) What is the term for medicine that can be sold at convenience stores in Korea?

① 일반약[il-ban-yak]

② 상비약[sang-bi-yak]

③ 건강보조제[geon-gang-bo-jo-je]

④ 한약[han-yak]

② 상비약[sang-bi-yak]

💡 Explain

상비[sang-bi] means 🌝🌚 always ready for use , and 약[yak] means 💊 medicine, so [sang-bi-yak] translates to 🚨 emergency standby medicine—medicine you can always find in case of need.

✅ Related Post

How Koreans Handle a Cold: Part 2 – Buying Medicine at Convenience Stores

🔆 Conversation

A: Can you grab some 상비약 [sang-bi-yak] from the convenience store?

B: What kind of medicine should I get?


4) What is one of the main reasons for the Korean government's policy on selling 상비약[sang-bi-yak] at convenience stores?

① To increase the sales of convenience stores

② To ensure availability of medicine during pharmacy off-hours

③ To promote Korean pharmaceutical products

④ To reduce the workload of pharmacies

② To ensure availability of medicine during pharmacy off-hours

💡 Explain

The policy ensures that essential medicines are available at convenience stores when pharmacies are closed, especially for urgent situations.

✅ Related Post

How Koreans Handle a Cold: Part 2 – Buying Medicine at Convenience Stores


5) What does the word '눈길' mean in the context of the phrase "눈길 조심해"?

① Cold

② Flu

③ Snowy road

④ Icy road

③ Snowy road

💡 Explain

In the phrase '눈길 조심해', '눈길' means 'snowy road'. It is used to advise caution on snowy streets.

✅ Related Post

Korea’s Cold Winter Weverse Chats: “Be Careful of Colds” to “Watch Out for Icy Roads” for Your Bias

🔆 Conversation

A: 눈이 많이 왔어.

B: 눈길 조심해!


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How many out of 5 did you get right? 🤔

5개 중 몇 개를 맞혔나요?


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