Dec Week 1: Quiz Questions and Answers💡 (30 completed so far)
1) I wrote my friend's name in red, and my Korean friend looked really shocked. Why?
① It means good luck, so they were excited.
② It symbolizes death, so they felt it was unlucky.
③ They thought it looked really pretty.
④ It means good fortune, so they expected something great.
② It symbolizes death, so they felt it was unlucky.
💡 Explain
Except for specific situations like art projects, experiential activities, or signing contracts, writing someone's name in red is believed to bring bad luck or even symbolize death in Korean culture.
✅ Related Post
Writing a Name in Red? Not in Korea ❌
🔆 Conversation
A: Doesn't the red name look nice?
B: Don't write it in red! In Korea, writing someone's name in red has an unlucky meaning. It often symbolizes death!
2) I was surprised to learn the hidden meaning of "Do you want some ramen?" Which of these is NOT it?
① I'm interested in you.
② I want to spend more time with you right now.
③ I want to go away with you.
④ I want to sleep with you.
③ I want to go away with you.
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This phrase comes from a Korean movie and is often used with a meaning similar to "Netflix and chill?".
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Thinking of Dating a Korean? You MUST Know This: "Do You Want Some Ramen(라면 먹을래요)?"
🔆 Conversation
A: Hey, do you want some ramen?
B: Hmm, are you really just talking about ramen, or is there another meaning? 😉
3) Feeling down on Mondays? In Korean, it’s called 'Monday blues'. How do you say that in Korean?
① 월요병
② 화요병
③ 수요병
④ 일요병
① 월요병
✅ Related Post
How to Say 'Monday Blues' in Korean with Byeon Woo-seok, the Star of Lovely Runner
🔆 Conversation
A: I have 월요병 today.
B: Same here.
4) When I said I can't handle spicy food, my Korean friend called me this. What is it?
① You're 맵찔이[maep-jji-ri]
② You're 맵부심[maep-bu-sim]
③ You're 맵루저[maep-ru-jeo]
④ You're 맵신[maep-ssin]
① You're 맵찔이[maep-jji-ri]
💡 Explain
Check out the Related Posts below.
✅ Related Post
3 Expressions, Including How to Say ""Can't Handle Spicy Food"
🔆 Conversation
A: I'm a 맵찔이. How about you?
B: Me too. 😢
5) In a chat with Korean friends, someone said, 점메추 해줘 (Please, 점메추). What does this mean?
① Suggest a lunch menu.
② Tell me a funny story.
③ Let's meet up for lunch.
④ Share a lunchtime selfie.
① Suggest a lunch menu.
💡 Explain
Check out the Related Posts below.
✅ Related Post
Trendy Lingo: Two Ways to Say Lunch&Dinner Recommendations in Korean
🔆 Conversation
A: I don’t know what to eat for lunch, please 점메추.
B: How about pizza?
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