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I 케바케
⚡ Usage by Age Group⚡
🌱 Teens: ★★★★☆
🌿 20s: ★★★★☆
🌳 30s: ★★★★☆
🍂 40s and older: ★★★☆☆

케바케[ke-ba-ke] is short for 케이스 바이 케이스[ke-i-seu ba-i ke-i-seu], which translates to Case by Case.
✅ 케이스[ke-i-seu]: Case
✅ 바이[ba-i]: By
This Korean abbreviation comes from the English phrase 'Case by Case' and is used to mean "It depends on the situation."
⭐⭐⭐ This phrase highlights that everyone has different values and styles. It emphasizes respecting individual perspectives and acknowledges that opinions can vary depending on the situation and the person involved.
It's widely used in conversations, from casual talks with friends to discussions among coworkers, so knowing it will be really useful!
I 사바사
⚡ Usage by Age Group⚡
🌱 Teens: ★★★★☆
🌿 20s: ★★★★☆
🌳 30s: ★★★★☆
🍂 40s and older: ★★☆☆☆

사바사[sa-ba-sa] is short for 사람 바이 사람 [sa-ram ba-i sa-ram], which translates to Varies from person to person.
✅ 사람[sa-ram]: Person
⭐⭐⭐ This phrase comes from [ke-ba-ke], which stands for Case by Case.
While [ke-ba-ke] focuses on situations, [sa-ba-sa] shifts the focus to individuals and their personal preferences.
💬 Real Korean Expressions in Conversation

👩🏻🦰 Is it better to book concert tickets from an internet cafe for my first time?
콘서트 티켓팅이 처음인데 티켓팅은 PC방에서 하는 게 좋을까?
👧🏼 Even if you try booking from an internet cafe, you might fail. And sometimes, you can succeed just using your phone.
PC방에서 티켓팅해도 실패할 때가 있고, 그냥 폰으로 해도 성공할 때가 있어.
I guess it’s [ke-ba-ke]
케바케인 듯
👩🏻🦰 I think I’ll go to an internet cafe.
나는 PC방 가야겠다
Which is better, the standing section or assigned seats?
스탠딩 구역이 좋아? 지정 좌석 구역이 좋아?
👧🏼: Well, that’s more of [sa-ba-sa].
글쎄, 이건 사바사인 거 같은데
I personally prefer assigned seats because I like sitting comfortably while watching.
나는 앉아서 보는 게 좋아서 지정좌석을 좋아해
But my friend loves being up close, so they prefer the standing section.
내 친구는 가까이 보는 게 좋아서 스탠딩석을 좋아해
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