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I 오운완
⚡ Usage by Age Group⚡
🌱 Teens: ★★★☆☆
🌿 20s: ★★★★☆
🌳 30s: ★★★★☆
🍂 40s and older: ★★☆☆☆

[o-un-wan] is short for 오늘 운동 완료 [o-neul un-dong wal-ryo], which translates to "Workout Complete Today!"
✅ 오늘[o-neul]: Today
✅ 운동[un-dong]: Exercise, Workout
✅ 완료[wal-ryo]: Complete, Finish
Since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, health management has gained popularity, especially among people in their 20s and 30s in Korea. Activities like fitness, Pilates, swimming, yoga, and running are trending.
Alongside this, a culture of posting proof of workouts on social media has emerged. The hashtag 오운완 is commonly used for this purpose. A quick search for 오운완 on Instagram reveals countless selfies from gyms and workout spots.
⭐⭐⭐ Since it first appeared in 2020 and is still in use in 2025, 오운완 has evolved into a widely recognized term symbolizing the expression of having completed a workout.
How Often Is This Term Used in Real Life?
Searching the hashtag 오운완 on Instagram

💬 Real Korean Expressions in Conversation

👩🏻🦰: Ta-da, [o-un-wan]! I uploaded my proof photo on Instagram, hehe!
짠, 오운완! 인증 사진 인스타 업로드했어 ㅎㅎ
→ Ta-da, workout done! I uploaded my proof photo on Instagram, hehe!
👧🏼: You’re amazing for working out every day after work.
퇴근하고 매일 운동하는 네가 정말 대단해.
It’s a new year—should I start exercising too?
새해니까 나도 운동을 시작해 볼까?
👩🏻🦰: Great! Let’s share our [o-un-wan] photos with each other from now on!
좋아! 우리 앞으로 서로 오운완 사진 공유하자!
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