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Learn Real Phrases You Can Use and Watch How to Leave a Comment for Your Bias
There's a video showing how to write a real comment!

📺 Cheering My Bias on While Watching the Live Broadcast 📺
1일 1영상 해야 해!
[i-lil i-lyeong-sang hae-ya hae]
I have to watch at least one video a day! 👀
Zoom in and watch the video
⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans
🎥 What’s [il-il il-yeong-sang]? Let’s Break It Down!
✅ 1[il]: One
✅ 일[il]: Day
✅ 영상[yeong-sang]: Video
✅ 해야 해[hae-ya hae]: Have to
1일 1영상[i-lil i-lyeong-sang] means watching your favorite video at least once a day.
You guys know we have to watch our bias’s video at least once a day to make our day feel complete, right? 😉💗
🔍 This phrase isn’t just for watching videos!
It’s also used for uploading one video a day on platforms like YouTube.
When talking about a daily habit, you can use 1일 ㅁㅁ (one ㅁㅁ per day)!
For example:
✅ 1일 1포스팅[i-lil il-po-seu-ting]
→ Post a piece of content (text or photo) every day!
📌 1일
1 → ㅇ → ㅣ → ㄹ → space key
📌 1영상:
1 → ㅇ → ㅕ → ㅇ → ㅅ → ㅏ → ㅇ → space key
📌 해야:
ㅎ → ㅐ → ㅇ → ㅑ → space key
📌 해:
ㅎ → ㅐ
💌 Now it’s your turn 💌
Drop a comment for your bias!
이번 뮤직비디오 대박 😲
1일 1영상 해야 해!
[i-beon myu-jik-bi-di-o dae-bak]
[i-lil i-lyeong-sang hae-ya hae]
This music video is amazing 😲
I have to watch at least one video a day!
Zoom in and watch the video
I left a comment after watching Stray Kids' ‘CHK CHK BOOM’ music video! 🎶🔥
✅ 이번[i-beon]: This time
✅ 뮤직비디오[myu-jik-bi-di-o]: MV, Music video
✅ 대박[dae-bak]: Cool, Awesome
📌 이번
ㅇ → ㅣ → ㅂ → ㅓ → ㄴ → space key
📌 뮤직비디오:
ㅁ → ㅠ → ㅈ → ㅣ → ㄱ → ㅂ → ㅣ → ㄷ → ㅣ → ㅇ → ㅗ → space key
📌 대박:
ㄷ → ㅐ → ㅂ → ㅏ → ㄱ
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