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Learn Real Phrases You Can Use and Watch How to DM Your Bias Directly
There's a video showing how to write a real comment!
🧡 May my feelings reach you 🧡
너에게 닿기를
[neo-e-ge da-kki-reul]
I hope it reaches you
Zoom in to watch the video
⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans
The relationship between an artist and their fans feels both close and distant at the same time. Every fan probably shares this sentiment. What we all wish for is for our love and support to truly reach our bias.
Let’s leave a message filled with love and energy, so our heartfelt feelings can reach them!
⭐⭐⭐ This phrase is often used to express, "I hope my feelings reach you and give you strength", when directed at someone precious, like your bias.
From Me to You (君に届け) is a famous Japanese romance manga, known in Korea as 너에게 닿기를. Over time, this phrase has become widely used in Korea, appearing in the titles of variety shows and songs.
✅ 너[neo]: You
✅ -에게[e-ge]: To
✅ 닿기를[da-kki-reul]: Hoping to reach
📌 너에게:
ㄴ → ㅓ → ㅇ → ㅔ → ㄱ → ㅔ → space key
📌 닿기를:
ㄷ → ㅏ → ㅎ → ㄱ → ㅣ → ㄹ → ㅡ → ㄹ
💌 Right now,
write a comment to your bias!!!
I'm always cheering for you!
I hope my support reaches your heart ❤
항상 응원하고 있어요!
내 응원이 너에게 닿기를 ❤
[hang-sang eung-won-ha-go i-sseo-yo]
[nae eung-wo-ni neo-e-ge da-kki-reul]
Zoom in to watch the video
✅ 항상[hang-sang]: Always
✅ 응원하고[eung-won-ha-go]: Cheer(v)
✅ 있어요[i-sseo-yo]: Be -ing
✅ 내[nae]: My
✅ 응원[eung-won]: Cheer(n), Support
📌 항상:
ㅎ → ㅏ → ㅇ → ㅅ → ㅏ → ㅇ → space key
📌 응원하고:
ㅇ → ㅡ → ㅇ → ㅇ → ㅜ → ㅓ → ㄴ → ㅎ → ㅏ → ㄱ → ㅗ → space key
📌 있어요:
ㅇ → ㅣ → shift → ㅅ → ㅇ → ㅓ → ㅇ → ㅛ → space key
📌 내:
ㄴ → ㅐ → space key
📌 응원이:
ㅇ → ㅡ → ㅇ → ㅇ → ㅜ → ㅓ → ㄴ → ㅇ → ㅣ
📌 너에게:
ㄴ → ㅓ → ㅇ → ㅔ → ㄱ → ㅔ → space key
📌 닿기를:
ㄷ → ㅏ → ㅎ → ㄱ → ㅣ → ㄹ → ㅡ → ㄹ
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