Check MYKN(Make Your Korean Name) Quiz Answers🧐
Have you taken the Korean Real Expressions Quiz prepared by MYKN,
the Korean Naming Service of KONOGRAM?
Let’s check your answers through this post!!
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✍ Quiz Answers & Explanations
Q1. Culture: What is the Korean term for eating alone?
A1. ① 혼밥[hon-bap]
Explanation: Link
Q2. Hallyu: What does 'Are you T?' mean, by BLACKPINK's Jisoo?
A2. ④ Are you a robot?
Explanation: Link
Q3. Hallyu: What do you call taking photos everywhere with my bias?
A3. ⑤ 예절샷[ye-jeol-syat]
Explanation: Link
Q4. Culture: What's the term for someone who can't eat spicy food?
A4. ② 맵찔이[maep-jji-ri]
Explanation: Link
Q5. Hallyu: What do you call your second favorite after 최애?
A5. ① 차애[cha-ae]
Explanation: Link
Q6. Culture: What's the top messenger app in Korea?
A6. ② Kakao Talk
Explanation: Link
Q7. Culture: What does 1+1 mean in Korean stores?
A7. ③ Buy one, get one free
Explanation: Link