Check MYKN(Make Your Korean Name) Quiz Answers🧐v2
Have you taken the Korean Real Expressions Quiz prepared by MYKN,
the Korean Naming Service of KONOGRAM?
Let’s check your answers through this post!!
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✍ Quiz Answers & Explanations
Q1. Culture: What does the Korean chat expression ㅇㅇ commonly mean?
A1. ③ Yes
Explanation: Link
Q2. You were chatting with a Korean friend, and they sent you ㅜㅠ. What does it mean?
A2. ③ Touched and sad
Explanation: Link
Q3. Culture: What does the Korean slang 아아[a-a] stand for?
A3. ① Iced Americano
Explanation: Link
Q4. Culture: Feeling down on Mondays? In Korean, it’s called 'Monday blues'. How do you say that in Korean?
A4. ① 월요병[wo-ryo-ppyeon]
Explanation: Link
Q5. Culture: In a chat with Korean friends, someone said, 점메추 해줘 (Please, 점메추). What does this mean?
A5. ① Suggest a lunch menu.
Explanation: Link
Q6. Culture: I was surprised to learn the hidden meaning of "Do you want some ramen?" Which of these is NOT it?
A6. ③ I want to go away with you.
Explanation: Link
Q7. Hallyu: How do you say "I'm proud to be an ARMY!" in Korean?
A7. ② 나는 아미인 게 자랑스러워요.
Explanation: Link