Korean Morning Greetings That Change Depending on
Who You’re Talking To
상대에 따라 달라지는 한국의 아침 인사
💪 5+ Subtitles
Today, I tried saying "안녕 (Good Morning)!" casually in Korean to my Korean boss at work.
The result? Oh no—total disaster! 😭
Learn from my mistake and check out the proper ways to greet someone in Korean!
In Korea, the way you greet someone depends on who they are.
There are 3 main types of greetings, and knowing them will save you from awkward situations both at work and in daily life!
1️⃣ Formal greetings for people you need to show full respect to
2️⃣ Polite greetings for people you’re close with but still need to be respectful
3️⃣ Casual greetings for friends or younger people
Knowing how to greet correctly is super important, especially at work! Improve your Korean skills and pick up practical expressions with this video. 💪💪
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