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Want That Finger Heart? Master the Korean Phrases to Make Your Bias Move

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Make Your Bias Smile with Just One Word


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⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans


⚡ Frequency of use in general


손하트 해줘[son-ha-teu hae-jwo]

Please do finger heart ♥♥🤞♥♥

손[son]: Hand

하트[ha-teu]: Heart, Heart shape

해줘[hae-jwo]: Please, Please do something for me

In Korean, 손[son] means 'hand', while 손가락[son-kka-rak] means 'finger'.

But these words are sometimes used interchangeably, so you can say 손하트[son-ha-teu] or 손가락하트[son-kka-rak-ha-teu] to describe a finger heart gesture.

📌 손하트:

      ㅅ → ㅗ → ㄴ → ㅎ → ㅏ → ㅌ → ㅡ → space key​

📌 해줘:

      ㅎ → → ㅈ → ㅜ → ㅓ

🔥 Boosting Korean Knowledge

Words that you can use instead of 손하트

1️⃣ 볼하트[bol-ha-teu]: Cheek heart

볼[bol]: Cheek

하트[ha-teu]: Heart, Heart shape

📌 볼하트:

ㅂ → ㅗ → ㄹ → ㅎ → ㅏ → ㅌ → ㅡ​

2️⃣ 손키스[son-ki-sseu]: Blow a kiss, Kiss the hand

✅ 손[son]: Hand

✅ 키스[ki-sseu]: Kiss

📌 손키스:

      ㅅ → ㅗ → ㄴ → ㅋ → ㅣ → ㅅ → ㅡ

3️⃣ 팬 서비스[paen sseo-bi-sseu]: Fan service

Fan service is when your bias does cute poses or gives fans the actions and words they love.

✅ 팬[paen]: Fan

서비스[sseo-bi-sseu]: Service

📌 팬 서비스:

      ㅍ → ㅐ → ㄴ → space key​ → ㅅ → ㅓ → ㅂ → ㅣ → ㅅ → ㅡ


🔊💋 Listen and Speak

1️⃣ Please do a cheek heart

볼하트 해줘[bol-ha-teu hae-jwo]

2️⃣ Please blow a kiss

손키스 해줘[son-ki-sseu hae-jwo]

3️⃣ Please do some fan service

팬 서비스 해줘[paen sseo-bi-sseu hae-jwo]


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