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How to Say ‘Your Bias’s Photo Looks Like Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend’ in Korean

💎 What you'll learn in this post

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🎉 Expressions to Use

When You're Amazed by Your Bias's Stunning Photos ✨


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⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans


⚡ Frequency of use in general


이거 완전 남친짤이야[i-geo wan-jeon nam-chin-jja-ri-ya]

This is totally [nam-chin-jjal] 😍👍

= This is totally a boyfriend vibe photo 😍👍

Has your bias shared a natural, everyday photo on social media or in the fan community? Did it give off major boyfriend or girlfriend vibes? If so, be sure to use this phrase! 💘

It's perfect for admiring a photo that feels so casual and real, almost like a boyfriend or girlfriend pic.

✅ 이거[i-geo]: This

완전[wan-jeon]: Totally

남친짤[nam-chin-jjal]: Boyfriend vibe photo

(이)야[(i)ya]: Is, the informal form of 이다[i-da] (similar to 'to be' in English) in Korean

🔎 The Korean verb 이다[i-da] changes depending on the letter of the last syllable of the word it follows:

  • Use 이야[i-ya]  after consonants

  • Use [ya]  after vowels


📌 이거:

     ㅇ → ㅣ → ㄱ → ㅓ → space key​

📌 완전:

      ㅇ → → ㅏ → ㄴ → ㅈ → ㅓ → ㄴ → space key

📌 남친짤이야:

      ㄴ → ㅏ →  → ㅊ → ㅣ → ㄴ → shift → ㅈ → ㅏ → ㄹ  → ㅇ → ㅣ → ㅇ → ㅑ


🔥 Boosting Korean Knowledge

➕ Fill in the blanks ➕

1️⃣ 여친짤[yeo-chin-jjal]: Girlfriend vibe photo

📌 여친짤:

      ㅇ → ㅕ → ㅊ → ㅣ → ㄴ → ㅉ → ㅏ → ㄹ

2️⃣  인생샷[in-saeng-syat]: POTD (Pic Of The Day)

A photo so well taken that it feels like the best one you’ve ever captured.

인생[in-saeng]: Life

샷[syat]: (photo) shoot

📌 인생샷:

      ㅇ → ㅣ → ㄴ → ㅅ → ㅐ → ㅇ → ㅅ → ㅑ → ㅅ

3️⃣ 대박[dae-bak]: Awesome, How cool

📌 대박:

      ㄷ → ㅐ → ㅂ → ㅏ → ㄱ


🔊💋 Listen and Speak

1️⃣ This is totally a girlfriend vibe photo

이거 완전 여친짤이야

[i-geo wan-jeon yeo-chin-jja-ri-ya]

2️⃣ This is totally POTD

이거 완전 인생샷이야

[i-geo wan-jeon in-saeng-sya-si-ya]

3️⃣ This is totally awesome

이거 완전 대박이야

[i-geo wan-jeon dae-ba-gi-ya]


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